
Socially: the program provides very entertaining and enriching alternatives to street gangs, drugs and prostitution. Read more

Economically: the program saves the city council huge amounts of money in terms of policing, drug, alcohol and other social rehabilitation programs and prison upkeep. Read more

Culturally: it enriches the city or country. Africa still remains a mystery to most people. Its culture is little known. Read more

Tourism: many cities and countries derive a huge chunk of their revenues from tourism. Read more

Health: the explosion of child obesity and other numerous health concerns tied to inactivity in North America provides a good reason for the introduction of these dances. Read more


The juju in the Oku society is an institution by itself whose identity is different from the people who own them. Jujus have names that identify them. Each juju has a unique shape that makes it different from another. A juju is a secret society that is culturally accessible only to the male members of the society, though females may enjoy the music and dance side by side without touching or conversing with it. It functions are varied and changes as need arises. 

Entertainment: By its very nature jujus entertain onlookers with their beautiful and wealthy outfit. Every juju has its own brand of music neatly composed. The music is entirely used during ceremonies. The songs that are sung vocally during public ceremonies recount a whole history of the lineage, clan, village, and/or tribe. When these thrilling songs are blended with the melody of the xylophones, an array of jujus will put a well-articulated choreography which might make mourners forget their sorrows and be happy.

Peace and order: Jujus act as supernatural beings. They are actually different from the physical persons (who wear them). For this reason, they have been performing very unpopular activities like executing fines, forcing lazy people to work during communal labour, harassing those who visit the forest on non working days or public holidays etc.

On the one hand, they used to play the role of fire fighters. During the dry season, they will move from one house to another and from one farm to another putting off uncontrolled fires. Jujus have been used as a special police force to evict recalcitrant farmers who encroached into the virgin forest in Oku.

Curative Jujus are believed to have some mystical forces and are capable of carrying out therapeutic activities. Most of the effective curative medicines from Oku is communal medicine prepared in juju houses. This type of medicine is accessible and affordable to all. Jujus often organised public curative rituals for every body free of charge. 

Material culture: By and large, Jujus have always been used in the Oku society as a sign of wealth, for only very wealthy families and lineages can own a juju. The material alone demands a lot in terms of man power, time and money. e.g. a complete attire of a juju such as the case may be for the Oku Juju Dance Yaounde costs above 100.000fcfa (forty thousands francs cfa). A juju is therefore used as a mark of status and rank. It is the pride of the whole lineage, clan or tribe. Children and women would therefore take delight and give praises to their juju in public manifestations to let others know their status in society.

Jujus reflect the social structure of the community and are therefore one of the most important aspect of the material culture of the Oku society as well as the whole Grassfield region of Cameroon.. There are certain materials and colours that can only be used by jujus of the royal clan and some represent the ordinary clans. Once a particular juju has been identified one can know the social rank and the power relation of the owner and his clan or lineage. 

Environmental records: On the other hand jujus are used to represent the fauna of the immediate environment (Mount Oku) in which they are found. They are said to be the product of the forest. Their head masks represent the ornithological as well as the fauna diversity of the mountain forest some of which have been extinct. People of recent generations can only remember the fauna that existed hundreds of years ago through the outfit of a juju especially the head mask. 

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