
Socially: the program provides very entertaining and enriching alternatives to street gangs, drugs and prostitution. Read more

Economically: the program saves the city council huge amounts of money in terms of policing, drug, alcohol and other social rehabilitation programs and prison upkeep. Read more

Culturally: it enriches the city or country. Africa still remains a mystery to most people. Its culture is little known. Read more

Tourism: many cities and countries derive a huge chunk of their revenues from tourism. Read more

Health: the explosion of child obesity and other numerous health concerns tied to inactivity in North America provides a good reason for the introduction of these dances. Read more


Proud of its rich cultural heritage, desirous to sell the image of Oku and that of Cameroon at large at home and at abroad through the display of her rich cultural treasures, the major objective of the Oku Juju Dance Yaounde is to promote the cultural identity of Cameroon and the socio-economic development of the Oku as well as that of its partners. Thus the group has been active since its creation in the fields of cultural animation, ethnomusicology, the teaching of traditional dance and music, culture-environment relationship and research (see list of works supported by the group in annex ) and has realised a series of successes until now.