
Socially: the program provides very entertaining and enriching alternatives to street gangs, drugs and prostitution. Read more

Economically: the program saves the city council huge amounts of money in terms of policing, drug, alcohol and other social rehabilitation programs and prison upkeep. Read more

Culturally: it enriches the city or country. Africa still remains a mystery to most people. Its culture is little known. Read more

Tourism: many cities and countries derive a huge chunk of their revenues from tourism. Read more

Health: the explosion of child obesity and other numerous health concerns tied to inactivity in North America provides a good reason for the introduction of these dances. Read more

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Richard Tanue Ndifor is the akam (lead dancer) of Njigang. Like Tamukung and Subi, this dance is xylophone-based and very popular with youths. Quick paced, frantic xylophone and a rich choreography are the hallmarks of this folk dance. Village elders see it as the “hard rock” of folk dance and sometimes frown at its tendency to flout the traditional classical rhythm of folk dances. Poly-instrumentalists, he is in his element with the xylophones.